Monday, December 8, 2008

Are you Paranoid?

  • Why did you put your purse lying on the table like that?Don;t you know those young boys could steal it.
  • Please don;t look towards that direction,there;s a man staring and i suspect him..
  • Don;t you know people around here are into drugs and could harm us any time.
  • I don;t like walking around at night because people are out to harm me.
  • Why would she give us fruits for free?am sure she wants to poison us.
  • That man walking at the side of the road looks like a thief.
Being paranoid is having suspicions about other people and their motives,unreasonable thouts that they want to hurt you for no course reason.A situation where we are stressed and things are perhaps not going too well, we can become anxious and interpret how we feel in terms of threat from other people, without fully weighing the evidence or considering alternative explanations.
Paranoia, is a disturbed thought process characterized by excessive anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion and it is widespread,that a large percent of the population al around have frequent paranoid thoughts. Most people aren’t much troubled by their suspicious thoughts. But a further small sample out of the population have pretty severe paranoia. For this smaller group of people, their paranoia is often serious enough to need specialist treatment.
Paranoid has different stages :-PARANOID=>PARANOID DELUSIONS=>PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA (a mental illness,not able to link thoughts,behaviors,emotions)which leads to the victims withdrawal from their personal relationship with people around them,because they believe that they would be hurt by the people surrounding them.Everyone becomes a suspect.
The victim would no longer live a life of reality..
Hey am not a doctor, just read it.something to think about.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dont Expect too much

The price of a full life is pain,
  • Love anything that live and it would die
  • Trust anybody and you may be hurt
  • Depend on anyone and you may be let down
Such is the paradise full of tragedies.
One has to be very conscious of ones self ,You learn to be independent,stand on your own believe in yourself,yes you sometime would need the assistance of family,friends and significant others around you,but always have it at the back of your mind that nothing on this earth is forever,its never a straight road,there has to a bend somewhere or even port holes,where you get shaken a little bit.
Think about that.